Great Expectations

Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 8:15 PM
I must say that I would never consider writing a blog if it weren't for our IT course project. At the beginning, when the idea of the blog project was introduced to us, my reaction was more or less: "Whaaaaaat?!?!:/". I was rather upset as things like blogs require time, regularity, ideas, updating.. -- and I'm not good at all those together at the same time. But since it's a must.. well, what can one do? Being a student isn't only about having fun, right? Hm.. maybe it is.. I mean, if someone loves ALL the stuff we've been obliged to do throughout our TTC career I admire that, but it seems to be rather masochistic for me:D Anyway, I created a blog.. (after giving them my phone number to receive the confirmation code and to confirm that..erm..I don't know.. I exist? whatever..)(and, of course, it happened to me only!! nobody else had the tiniest problem with creating their blogs I guess.. yeah, right, bad luck from the very beginning)(not to mention that my first attempt to create my profile failed! favourite films, books, music- everything was deleted!)(ok, it was me who deleted that, but accidentally:()(girl+computers=don't ask) ANYWAY, I created a blog. And then.. then I found that it's actually fun to share some great videos, links, discoveries and all that. So that's what it's going to be about: you can expect from my blog sharing what I like, what I discover, what makes me laugh or what makes me think, what makes me happy or angry (prepare for some grumbling..) and whatever is worth mentioning. And I really wish to read your stuff, guys. I realized that it's nearly the end of being at TTC (hopefully)(I mean, I hope I'll pass the exams:P) and I've hardly spoken to some of you. And even if so, we often don't really know much about each other which is a pity for me. So I'm waiting for all the posts:D

Not to change the current theme:



How to spend your free time productively:D

Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 5:32 PM
I still can't stop laughing:D Kasia had some free time, it seems:D And I just had to pop in to share that with the world:D
Just check the results:

Kasia- you're awesome! And Ola's face fits the action perfectly:D:D Łukasz- I'm sorry for you, that must have hurt:P
Well, if you still try to figure out how to wish your friends all the best not in that usual way in which you do that every year, you might have just found the solution. Creativity, ladies and gentlemen, creativity is all that matters here:D Abandon e-mails and text messages, go beyond:)


Driving home for Christmas..

Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 2:53 PM
Finally!! I' ve been listening to this song by Chris Rea all the time lately and here I am now, driving home for Christmas:) It's all as it's supposed to be- numbers of lights are shining everywhere around, Poznań is wonderfully decorated (well, since the beginning of October probably, but we don't have to mention that, right?), and the weather, not to disappoint us, regaled us with much awaited fresh snow (later so much hated by me once I had to wait outside for like an hour or so..).
Between sleeping and.. erm.. sleeping at the 5am train to Gdynia, I enjoyed the world outside the window so so soo much:)

For all of you, especially those who will be driving home for Christmas:

~~And now time for not such a joyful part of the post:
Aaaaargh!! Not a nice beginninig of my blog!!!! I've spent like an hour writing some stuff about myself, my favourite music, films, and all that and I opened some link in the same tab instead of the new one!!!! ;( Drama, drama, drama:( My patience limit for today is over, so that will come next time..



Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 3:10 PM
Guten Tag
Buna zoua
Cześć :)

"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."

Hope to see you soon around here, friends:)

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