What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. /Aristotle

Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 9:20 PM
Aristotle once asked an interesting question: 'What is a friend?"
Throughout centuries, various answers have been created.
According to him, it's a single soul dwelling in two bodies. When thinking about my friends and me, I couldn't find a better 'friendship' definition, if it is possible to define it at all.
There are a few people in my life, whom I can call that noble title. First of all, my three sisters and my mum- my best crew ever. I admire my dad's patience..
There's also my namesake, a friend from my school, with whom I spent 6 years having fun and enjoying ourselves instead of working hard.
There's Agnieszka, Gosia, Beata, Grzes and many more, whom I really love as you love your friends, who created my past and create my present. However, I'd like to tell you about two special people, special in a way which is hard to explain, but which you understand within a second if you have someone who is your best friend.
Let me introduce Agnieszka and Dorota, my soul mates, the remaining parts of my heart and mind.
Those are the ones whom I could trust with my life. Whenever we talk, 'you know what I mean, right?' is unnecessary, as it's alway 'yes, I have the same'. We think in the same way, we see things in the same way, we're upset and angry and happy and excited and irritated by the same things. We used to spend a lot of time together until I left Gdynia to study in Poznan. Now, whenever I pop in for a weekend, it's never enough and I really miss those old times. We're recently always in rush, but we just must meet only for one hour to catch up with the news, yet it always turs out to be 3, 4, 5 hours.. We try to spend holidays together to make it up, but again- it's never enough. However, when we talk after a few months of not seeing each other, it still seems as if it was yesterday.
"A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway." F. J. Cummings

"Friendship needs no words..."
Dag Hammarskjold


8:56 10.04.2010

Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 4:11 PM

No matter what our political views are, no matter which political parties we like and which we detest, that tragedy stroke us all.

Ironic, isn't it? Our President, the command of our armed forces, heads of important institutions, members of parliament and clergy, so many valuable people died while heading to Russia to commemorate the Polish victims of a World War II massacre, which targeted 'the flower of Poland' of 1940- our elites- intellectuals, leaders, officers, priests, politicians. Lech Walesa said that "this is so very much like Katyn, where our head was cut off". Some say Katyn is a cursed place, some- that there is some tiny door to Heaven. Surely, Katyn will remain in Polish history as a sign of tragedy and grief..

I've never been fond of Mr Kaczynski as our President, but, no matter if we agree with his policies or not, he was OUR President. I mourn him as the leader of our country, as our representative, as the head of Poland. All of the victims of the plane crash, although from various parties and of different views, were wise and important for Poland people and they left it with a huge empty space, just like it was 70 years before.

People keep saying that there are no divisions into parties today, that we are beyond all the disputes and views; we are united in grief.
It has been proved throughout the history that Poles, often spontaneously, unite in difficult times. But then, why do we need difficult time to unite, why is a tragedy necessary to calm the arguments?


little me

Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 8:01 PM
I'm really sorry for a huge, immense delay with my posts.. I'll try to make up for it as there's so much I want to share..
First, may I introduce little me:

That small thing in the bag would be me:) And I still have that Mickey Mouse t-shirt my sister is wearing!

I know it may seem strange (not that I was a normal child, because I surely wasn't) (judging from the videos I'd say I was a cranky girl with a mad look, talking to myself and living in my own little world), but putting toys and teddy bears all around me and pretending to be one of them was one of my favourite activities... I really believed that my mum wouldn't see me like that:D in the picture on the right I was about to begin the whole process.

I've heard people laughing at this picture, but I think it's cute :( Silly, but cute:P Although my head seems to take up most of the picture.. It was more or less like half of my body :|

And a few more. The teddy bear has accompanied me throughout my whole life:) In two other photos you can see my younger sister as well. Please, do not pay attention to my mad face where I'm feeding her, I meant well, honestly..


jingle jingle

Posted by martamalgorzatamariamagdalena on 1:48 PM
Having lots of spare time, one feels free to finally waste it on basically anything that is not compulsory, useful, constructive, necessary, with no remorse. Still remaining in the Christmas theme, here is the outcome of this possibility-
my friend's outstanding discoveries:

People surprise me.. it seems they had even more free time to create SUCH videos:D The latter is just perfect:> George Michael and his haircut <3

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